On this new 3 lesson on your book, we are going to learn about the environment and its relation within the economic activity.
Before we get involved in the lesson, watch the next link "The Earth"with no thoughts on your mind...and let the astonishing images touch your soul.
On the next one, let you feel yourself the "Colours of the world" in order to understand how beatiful is our "Mother Earth" and the people who habitate it. We are part of it and we should feel that we are part of the totality, of the "whole".
!Do not think too much and open your eyes and heart¡
The whole presentation is on the next paragraph, but remember that in order to reinforce a deeper knowlegde of the lesson READ on your textbook in Spanish several times.
On the next link you will find a wide range of information related with the National Parks in Spain. Look at the general idea and get involved for the beaty of the presentation. Afterwards fill out the worksheet I handed you out in class. Good luck¡
SPAIN is an amazing country...we should discover it being respectful with us and with others.Get some ideas where to go on the next holidays, but do not forget to be sensitive about the most important "Problemas medio ambientales en ESPAÑA" on a very complete presentation in Spanish. Pictures are pretty realistic with the main environmental problem...
In 1972, the United Nations Organization designed the 5th of June as the World Environment Day to acknowledge the importance of the conservation and improvement of it.
The conference was preceded by the Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions scientific conference, which took place in March 2009.
There are different points of view. Check the next videos to get any types of approaching to the issue.
In this conservative process, The UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves covers internationally-designated protected areas, known as biosphere reserves, that are meant to demonstrate a balanced relationship between man and nature (e.g. encourage sustainable development).
Inclusion in the World Network starts with nominations as prepared by national governments. Benefits gained from being part of the network include the integration of conservation, development and scientific research concerns to sustainably manage the shared ecosystems.
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_and_the_Biosphere_Programme
Inclusion in the World Network starts with nominations as prepared by national governments. Benefits gained from being part of the network include the integration of conservation, development and scientific research concerns to sustainably manage the shared ecosystems.
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_and_the_Biosphere_Programme
As you can figure out, talking about environment is related to global warming. On the next link you can learn as much as you want about the topic. It is a Pais Vasco presentation but it provides world information and personal solutions. Do not skip it.